More Pic's added frequently......

During the Rolling Stones show in Wichita, Oliver delivered 10 of the 20 Oahus ordered by Mr. Richards.

Backstage view of Keith Richards Oahu amps

Keith Richards stage set up on the 2006/2007 tour

Not related to Oahu's but here is a cool backstage view of Mr. Richards Twins.

This pic is not related to Oahu's either. But at the Omaha show, Brooks and Dunn opened for the Rolling Stones and this is a back stage view of them. Country never looked so good.....

1997, applying Gray Yacht Tolex with natural glue.

Oliver in 1997 spray painting the 2nd production run of Oahu chassis, the golden anodized face plate was added later.

Oahu wood boxes in the making...

The Plexi Oahu on display at the 2009 AES Show in NYC

Arlington Guitar show 1999.

The two owner's of Jester Products in 1999, left Oliver, right Christian in front of the Arlington booth.